
Category Fiction

The revealing title, how convenient

I just read an article about a study of Mills and Boon (Harlequin) romance titles. It suggested that the prevalence of certain words in the titles revealed women’s key desires. Therefore Doctor, Baby, Marriage. It’s like a romance workflow. But… Continue Reading →

Seedling challenge 02022020

From today’s #vss365 prompt which was my latest tweet fic about the lost county of Hookland. Here’s the tweet: The patients soon improved. The Ministry credited sea air, but in fact we recognised the soldiers’ horrors – those phantasms are… Continue Reading →

Very Short Stories – Microfiction Anthology out now

I’m featured twice in this new microfiction anthology.This book was born from the vss365 Twitter fiction community – every day the host supplies a prompt word for stories no longer than 280 characters including the prompt and the #vss365 hashtag…. Continue Reading →

D- Darkness falls (Align the Stars in Morley High Street, part 4)

A week previously. “It’s the perfect time. Everyone is but a neck, suspending eyes over a screen. Necks are exposed, vulnerable, easy to crack.” Callum accepted some more wine from his girlfriend’s stepdad and avoided replying by sniffing it. “Don’t… Continue Reading →

C – The Call

The call, when it came, wasn’t even for her. The doorbell woke Karen at three in the afternoon, ringing again and again as if someone were punching it with the flat of their hand. She grabbed at her phone, an… Continue Reading →

B – Boring day. (Align the stars in Morley High Street, part 2)

Callum liked digging. The literal unearthing of ancient things – what could be better? Gold earrings or pottery, it didn’t matter, what was important was finding them. Revealing history, he called it. “All of history is there, under the grass,… Continue Reading →

Monday muse – six-worder stories

A manic week at work, plus school holiday duties, has left no time for writing. I did not even manage my 280-character tweet fics until a big catchup on Saturday. It’s not like me not to write.  I think I… Continue Reading →

Saturday shorts – six word stories

More broken news and fake headlines from the week’s events.      

Tiny fic Tuesday

Tweet fics from this week. Very short stories, microfictions, 280 characters or shorter. Written to daily prompts. When the #nuns found my steam#punk comics, they confiscated the lot . You’re #lucky it’s me, wicked girl, said Sister Brigid. Steam robots!… Continue Reading →

Sunday shorts – swallows and summertime

In warm sunshine it’s hard to imagine bad things happening. If it all goes wrong, we think, we could forage for food, live off the land, sleep under the stars with a curious deer nosing at our bare feet. But… Continue Reading →

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