Book cover for What Works - lilac cover with cheerful bird.Free, for you, right now. A whole book.

Download my 100+page book, What Works: Solid, Simple Ways to Comfort Your Anxiety. This straightforward practical guide contains no fluff, no backstory – only the strategies you need to get through the day if you’re living with anxiety. Here’s my latest project, the result of two years of collating what was effective in allowing me to continue working and writing during a bout of severe anxiety. Click here to download the book for free in PDF format, or go to Smashwords to download it in your favourite e-reader format.


Where else is this available? 

-Right now, only here. Amazon does not allow perpetual free book downloads under the scheme I’m in, and it is important to me that this is free to those who need it. When I work out a way to distribute it through other places for free, I’ll do that.

Is it one of those sob story memoirs?

No! It’s a straightforward guide to the practical things you can do to ease your anxiety. There are a lot of lists and next to no personal anecdote. My reasoning for this – if you have anxiety, you know it. You don’t need me to go through all the terrible signs that you might have it. Worse, reading about symptoms can increase anxiety for some people and I don’t want to add to the burden.

What format is the book in?

At the moment it is in PDF format. I need to go through and make it better for other formats. PDF is readable on your Kindle, and other ebook readers, and on your computer with any free PDF viewer. This seemed simplest for everyone. When I have sorted out other formats I’ll look at distributing it elsewhere, so long as I can offer it for free to those who need it.

Hang on, you’re not a doctor!

No, I’m not, and I urge anyone suffering with anxiety to seek professional medical help as their first step. This book is not intended to replace professional advice. But is IS intended to help you, day to day, while that advice takes effect. in the UK and elsewhere it can be a long process to get the help you need, and even when you get it, no treatment is instant. This book suggests some everyday strategies you can use to comfort your anxiety and get through your day, in the meantime.

So what qualifies you to offer this advice?

This is advice based on my years of personal experience as an anxiety sufferer. It’s some personal ideas combined with what I’ve learned being active in various anxiety support settings.

Where’s that download link again?

It’s here. Please share as required.


Here are my quick-win infographics for writers among you.

Fast Book. Here’s the pretty-looking and concise version of my longer post for NaNoWriMos, or anyone who wants to write a book in a short space of time. My top 6 tips to make your life easier. For the original post, see here.









Books to read. My reading recommendations for 2017.









Conflict, sorted. Enter your email below for a free download of my 9 Ways to Add Irony infographic.

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Write what you (have felt). They say write what you know and feelings also require some experience. This checklist helps you mark off the emotions you’re expecting your characters to experience, and test your own understanding against it  You can certify yourself in an emotion too! Here’s The Emotion CV.