
Category Fantasy

How to write a classic fantasy – Day Boy and Night Girl

How to write a classic fantasy or fairytale. What are the elements of a classic fantasy tale? How can you give your story that timeless, old-school feel?

Make your hero a monster – subvert fantasy tropes

There’s nothing worse than a hero who is too heroic. Maybe the hero is a beautiful girl with a deep sense of honour and a desire to see justice done in the world. I hate her already. Or perhaps the… Continue Reading →

How to write a circus fantasy – character, setting, magic

Why are circuses and fairs so fascinating? Why do people run away with the circus? And why do we love a circus fantasy story so much? I think it is because in olden times, the circus was almost the only… Continue Reading →

Fantasy World Clash Title Generator

I’ve been reading and watching The City and the City by China Mieville this week. Two cultures in permanent conflict, sharing the same space, each city diligently ‘unseeing’ the other. It made me want to create a culture clash of… Continue Reading →

Slinging spells and flinging cards

I read Spellslinger this week in about three gulps and have been inspired by its greatness – to learn about cards, and to hurt my own characters, a lot. Honestly Sebastien de Castell heaps bad luck and trouble on his main character,… Continue Reading →

Jazz age fantasy

I was recently obsessed with New York 1926. If you think that rings a bell, it might be because it is the setting for 2016’s Jazz Age fantasy, Fantastic Beasts, which I saw, and alone of all Harry Potter things fell… Continue Reading →

Ferocious Fae, Thorny Roses, Little Libraries

I go to my local library every week and pick up all kinds of books. They have a handy sticker-system on the books’ spines to identify the genre, and lately I’ve been going for the Unicorn (!) sticker signifying fantasy. … Continue Reading →

Friday fic – fifty word stories

Four more fifty-worders for you. This continues the story of the monsters, plus there’s a snippet from a mermaid-noir scenario I rather like. Hope you enjoy them! Let me know –  I always like reading your comments. If you have… Continue Reading →

Fantasy and Foreignness

As a reader, if you crave a comfortable read, then you’ll be disappointed by books that don’t explain anything, placing you in the role of stranger. And if you like to think on your feet, learning as you go, you won’t enjoy a book which carefully explains a culture’s entire backstory before you’ve even stepped off the boat.

Show us your subgenre! There’s a niche for every fiction

I found a list today that I didn’t know I needed but now cannot live without. It’s a description of every subgenre of cyberpunk. I’ve given some examples, below, but it’s got me thinking about how detailed our fiction categories have become,… Continue Reading →

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