
Tag six word story

Friday fic – six word stories

This week’s faux news  – six-word stories inspired by the week’s events.    

Monday muse – six-worder stories

A manic week at work, plus school holiday duties, has left no time for writing. I did not even manage my 280-character tweet fics until a big catchup on Saturday. It’s not like me not to write.  I think I… Continue Reading →

Sunday shorts – swallows and summertime

In warm sunshine it’s hard to imagine bad things happening. If it all goes wrong, we think, we could forage for food, live off the land, sleep under the stars with a curious deer nosing at our bare feet. But… Continue Reading →

Friday fic – six worders – very short stories

This week has been exhausting, in real life and in the news, which is increasingly hard to accept as real life. How has it come to this? Caged children. Nonetheless stories remain important and so here are a very few,… Continue Reading →

Sunday short-short stories

What is the point of words? What is the point of blogs? What is the point of poetry? I can’t explain.  -I can explain, but only at length. Either way I won’t stop. I shared a fifty-word short-short story this… Continue Reading →

Friday Fic- rockets and optimism

The week has been full of headlines about space, Earth, rockets, guns and whether or not Britain can stay in Europe. Astronauts returned home after five months on the International Space Station. A crazy stunt by someone who should know… Continue Reading →

Friday fic – even shorter stories

This week I have, again,  been writing short-short fiction – but the fifty-word stories were starting to seem … lengthy. I recalled the story attributed to Hemingway and thought, why not try to write ‘a novel in six words’? Here’s… Continue Reading →

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