
Tag microfiction

Learning how to write again in a difficult time

Since the virus started up in Europe in February I have hardly written anything. Big life changes like working from home, shopping in tape-demarcated two metre stages, schools closed and distant family now completely inaccessible – not to mention the… Continue Reading →

Very Short Stories – Microfiction Anthology out now

I’m featured twice in this new microfiction anthology.This book was born from the vss365 Twitter fiction community – every day the host supplies a prompt word for stories no longer than 280 characters including the prompt and the #vss365 hashtag…. Continue Reading →

A – Align the Stars in Morley High Street part 1

Excavating a crypt is dangerous work, especially when it’s occupied. Reverend John Small carried a lamp and pickaxe, and checked every couple of minutes that his phone still had signal.  Even so, he felt a crushing presence all around him,… Continue Reading →

Microfiction theme: social housing

Since mid December my daily tweet fics have been about people living in temporary accommodation, waiting for proper housing. The escalating crisis of people, especially families, being placed in bed and breakfast rooms for long periods, seems sharper than ever… Continue Reading →

Saturday shorts – six word stories

More broken news and fake headlines from the week’s events.      

Tiny fic Tuesday

Tweet fics from this week. Very short stories, microfictions, 280 characters or shorter. Written to daily prompts. When the #nuns found my steam#punk comics, they confiscated the lot . You’re #lucky it’s me, wicked girl, said Sister Brigid. Steam robots!… Continue Reading →

Friday fic – six worders – very short stories

This week has been exhausting, in real life and in the news, which is increasingly hard to accept as real life. How has it come to this? Caged children. Nonetheless stories remain important and so here are a very few,… Continue Reading →

Sunday short-short stories

What is the point of words? What is the point of blogs? What is the point of poetry? I can’t explain.  -I can explain, but only at length. Either way I won’t stop. I shared a fifty-word short-short story this… Continue Reading →

Friday Fic- rockets and optimism

The week has been full of headlines about space, Earth, rockets, guns and whether or not Britain can stay in Europe. Astronauts returned home after five months on the International Space Station. A crazy stunt by someone who should know… Continue Reading →

Friday Fic – fights and flights

It’s been another tough week on various fronts, so these three stories have a rather embattled theme. This morning I thought I would have no fifty-word stories to share. I felt too burned out by Real Life to contemplate microfiction…. Continue Reading →

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