
Tag the write practice

The 100 day book – 10 lessons from this amazing challenge

At the end of August I completed the 100 Day Book program from The Write Practice. From the middle of May, I had committed to a daily word count, and a weekly share of my work, and giving weekly feedback on… Continue Reading →

O – OMG! I’m a winner!

A short post today just to share that last week I found out that I am the overall winner in The Write Practice’s Spring Writing Contest! I’m so thrilled, especially as the standard of stories submitted was, as always, very high…. Continue Reading →

Like the plague: why you should avoid writing groups

I’ve followed Joanna Penn for a little while now and found her website and its writing resources very helpful. So the chance to hear her advice on publishing, specifically self publishing, at the SPS summit in June was too good… Continue Reading →

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