In preparation for NaNoWriMo, I have been procrastinating by creating a Story Premise Generator which will help me do some preparation. If that sounds mad it probably is. I ended up creating two – an online one which is very… Continue Reading →
(Boy this is late. So late. There are reasons, including a purely practical technical one, but never mind. In the spirit of finishing what I start, here is the final part of the Nanowrimo motivation series. ) This is it…. Continue Reading →
This week is the worst. You’ll be at the middle of your novel, if you’re lucky (I am usually at the very start of the middle) and here is where things get real. The stuff you’ve spent thousands of words… Continue Reading →
Day 8. You are not even halfway through this thing and you’re flying along. Ten thousand or so words under your belt. Keep writing. Keep tracking it both on your tracker sheet, and of course on the Nano website. Check… Continue Reading →
Want to get through the first seven days of National Novel Writing Month? Start here. Day 1. If you haven’t declared your novel’s title, excerpt and premise on the Nanowrimo website, do this. Use the first part of your first… Continue Reading →
Are you tempted by Nanowrimo – the completion of a novel’s first draft in just 30 days – but find it hard to stay on track once the initial rush of frenetic writing has worn off? Do you find it… Continue Reading →
This quick post is to give some ideas for wordcount boosters for Nanowrimo-which will, I hope, make it into in your finished novel as worldbuilding or character reveal scenes. I have used each of these and found they are generally good… Continue Reading →
Well, National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) started today and even though I am not officially joining in, I’m still going to increase my daily word count to 1600 or so. I usually aim for 1100, and have been consistent on… Continue Reading →
Here are 30 strategies which I use to write a novel in 30 days. It can be used for Nanowrimo, or whenever you need to just get that first draft done. Divvy up the action. It’s 1660 words a day… Continue Reading →
I’m currently writing a fast and horrible first draft. Fast because I have the attention span of a gnat on Red Bull, and horrible because I need to just rattle out ideas regardless of style or grace. To do this I… Continue Reading →
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