
Category Editing

You already know what to do, so get editing.

I am editing the first draft of my light-hearted fantasy. And it seems like it might never be finished. But three things happened this week to motivate me into getting the job done and out the door. I already made… Continue Reading →

What to do when you’ve written a book – 11 editing steps

How do you turn mush into gold? When you finish the first draft of a novel, you’re on a high. You did it, you put in the hours and you completed a book. Next thing – publication and worldwide acclaim…. Continue Reading →

Editing: KonMari your writing and declutter your prose

Tidying the house is exhausting. It’s physically tiring because of all the running up and down stairs with items which need relocating from room to room. But more than that, it’s mentally exhausting because of all the small KonMari decisions you… Continue Reading →

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